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One Year Ago Today

How do I even begin this post?

One year ago today my sweet grandmother was finally healed.
One year ago today my sweet grandmother gained her wings.
One year ago today my sweet grandmother met Jesus.

About this time last year I got the first call of the day from my mom.
She doesn't normally call me when I'm seeing clients for work, so I knew something was wrong. I answered the phone and in a shaky voice she told me that she and dad were leaving for San Angelo to see my grandmother. The hospice nurse who had been caring for my Mamaw had informed my Papaw and aunt that Mamaw only had a few days left and mom needed to be there for the end.

Mamaw was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2013 and throughout the year her condition deteriorated. Though we all knew she wasn't feeling well she remained her sassy self up to the end.

For as long as I can remember, my grandmother was a little spitfire who spoke her mind and talked your ear off with stories about people and places you would have no idea who or where she was talking about. Boy did she have stories to tell. As she got sicker and had to be put on supplemental oxygen she started talking less because it became more difficult for her.

I can't believe it's been a whole year.
I still miss her.
I miss her voice.
I miss her crazy stories.
I miss her hugs.
I miss the way she almost never looked at the camera when you took her picture.

She had such a servants heart, always making sure the young people on base had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas away from their own families. She tried so hard those last two years to continue to ensure that those men and women were fed and loved. She was always at church events with food.

I was able to visit her two weeks before she died. I am so thankful I was able to make that trip. I'm incredibly sad that she wouldn't let me take a picture with her. She didn't want to be remembered that way. She wanted me to remember her at her best. So that's what I do. This is my absolute favorite picture with my grandmother.

Not only is she looking at the camera, but she's smiling too! Papaw looks pretty dapper as well.
I am so thankful that she was there for my wedding day. Smiling at the camera was not that days only incredible moment with Mamaw. She also prayed for me, out loud, with other people around! Both of my grandmothers did in fact. It was such a sweet moment.

I had not yet been diagnosed with endometriosis when Mamaw died. We had only been trying for about 6 months at that time. We talked when I visited two weeks prior. She knew how hard it already was on me. She understood, too.

I am so thankful for the years I had with my Mamaw. I know some people don't get to experience that.

It turned out that one year ago today the hospice nurse was wrong. Mamaw didn't have days left, she was ready to go. Once my mom arrived in San Angelo and kissed Mamaw to tell her she was there it wasn't long until I got the next call from my mom. The call through tears this time to let me know that Mamaw had died. Drew and I had already started the trip, but we hadn't been on the road long. I'm so grateful for how amazing my husband was that day. He knew the pain I was experiencing. We drove that night and made it to my parents house where we spent the night before heading to Angelo the next morning.

We got to Angelo and supported my grandfather and celebrated Mamaws life.
I am so thankful that she hasn't been in pain for a whole year now.
I wait with eager anticipation to one day see her again and sing praise eternally.

When we all get to heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus,
We’ll sing and shout the victory!

"When We All Get to Heaven" by Eliza Hewitt


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