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Family Update!

Man is it hard for me to keep up with this blog.
With so much going on I have so much I want to say, but for now I will just do a quick(ish) family update.

As you all know we are foster parents.
Just about 6 weeks ago now we said goodbye to our little man as he reunified with his biological mother. We had him for almost 21 months and gave him back just before he turned two. After pouring so much into this little guy for so long we are currently taking a break from new placements to focus on our daughter.

Caroline is growing and learning so much now. She is 28 months old and in the thick of the terrible twos! She's sassy, opinionated, fiercely independent, loving, and amazing. Since the departure of little man, whom she affectionately called "Bubba", it's been good to finally be able to pour all of our attention into her. The transition was hard at first, I mean we basically took away the only sibling she's ever known (she doesn't remember our other little girl because she was only 6 months old when E went to her biological dad). He was HER Bubba. She fought with him, as any big sister would do, but she also loved him and was so affectionate towards him. Even at such a young age she recognized that he was developmentally delayed and she helped him when she could. She would take his hand as he finally learned how to walk and would say "come on Bubba" to encourage him to take his big boy steps. So it's completely understandable that when he vanished she struggled for a bit.

Now, six weeks later, she's doing much better and now we are pretty much just dealing with typical two-year-old behaviors. The days are long, but the years are short. Her tantrums and attitude get to me sometimes, but she'll only be this little for a while. So for now we will cherish the times she wants to "hold you" and enjoy all the snuggles, hugs, and kisses.

Caroline also moved into a big girl bed built by her daddy. I was weary of this transition at first, because we tried it a few months ago and she was definitely not ready, but this time she showed us that she was ready and it's been great! With the exception of one night so far, but thats because her routine was thrown off when mommy and daddy went on date night.

Next we work on potty training. Pray for us!

The other family update we have to share, if you haven't heard already, is that after 5 years of struggle, fertility treatments, and a miscarriage, God has blessed us with a rainbow baby!

I am now 14 weeks along with this little peanut, or as Drew affectionately says, his little squirrel baby. (The first ultrasound at around 6-7 weeks the baby looked like a squirrel to him...)

Much more to come on that little rainbow soon!



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