I realized the other day that it has been two months since I last posted. That is how crazy life has been lately. Foster parenting sometimes feels like a whirlwind. Well, maybe more like a hurricane I think. Lots of crazy, followed by some calm, then a little more crazy before the calm comes back. It's like a roller coaster of hurricanes. Constantly. As soon as you adjust to a new normal something changes and you have to adjust all over again. Then, before you get fully adjusted something else happens and you start all over. It's hard. It's crazy. It's worth it. In the two months since I last posted so much has happened. We had court dates for both our girls. It's incredible how many parts and people are involved in each and every case. Caseworkers, foster parents, biological parents, kids, attorneys--for each party at that, supervisors, the list can go on. Three weeks ago tomorrow we assisted our older foster daughter in her reunification with her biologica...
Adoption, Infertility, and Foster Care; not what we had planned and we wouldn't change a thing about it.